Many health care entities took a “set it and forget it” approach to their CQIPs once the CQIPs were approved by DOH under regulations adopted in 2006. Beginning tomorrow, such entities will need to reconsider their approach. DOH has published significant changes to its regulations regarding approval of CQIPs that are operated by health care entities such as provider groups, health care facilities that are not hospitals, and health care plans. In light of the revisions to WAC Chapter 246-50, health care entities should review the contents of their CQIPs regularly and establish new mechanisms for managing CQIPs.
The new regulations as adopted are available at:
The final rule that shows the regulatory changes can be found at:
Requirements for Obtaining and Maintaining Approval for a CQIPContinue Reading Department of Health (“DOH”) Has Issued Material Updates to Rules Governing Coordinated Quality Improvement Program (“CQIP”) Approval