More than three years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, many healthcare institutions continue to have difficulty fully staffing all their facilities.  In response, both the Oregon and Washington legislatures enacted new laws that will change how hospitals plan for and staff their facilities.  While both states will send shockwaves throughout their hospitals, the approaches differ

On May 10, 2023, the Oregon Health Authority (“OHA”) announced that, effective May 11, it is suspending the statewide rule requiring that health care workers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they have an approved medical or religious exception. The news coincides with the end of the federal public health emergency on May 11, along with the anticipated end of the federal COVID-19 vaccination mandate for health care facilities certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”).

The OHA stated that immediate suspension of the rule is necessary “to align with the end of the federal public health emergency and elimination of other COVID-19-related control measures, and because there is no longer a significant public health need for this rule.”

The OHA also stated:

The rationale for the rule when it was adopted was that COVID-19 was likely to be transmitted in these congregate settings, placing vulnerable persons at risk. [The Oregon mandate] is now being suspended, because immunity from the primary series is known to wane over time, such that 2 booster vaccinations have since been recommended for most persons. Moreover, the virus that causes COVID-19 has mutated such that the original series provides little longer-term protection against infection by currently circulating strains. Finally, at this point most people have been infected by the virus (94% by one estimate), giving survivors a degree of immunity at least equivalent to that provided by the original vaccination series for some period of time.Continue Reading Oregon Health Authority Suspends COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers

Stoel Rives recently continued its long-time sponsorship of the  Portland Business Journal Health Care of the Future awards. A special publication for the awards includes a collaboration by Stoel Rives’ attorneys Todd Hanchett, Tim Hatfield, Kelly Knivila and Sarah Oyer on an article addressing four current trends in health care.  Topics covered include behavioral health services, value-based purchasing, telehealth and employment-related issues.  Read the full article here.Continue Reading Stoel Rives’ Health Care Attorneys Contribute to PBJ ‘Health Care of the Future’ Special Publication

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently modified its guidance regarding leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). These changes pertain to the applicability of FFCRA leave to employees of health care providers. The changes – which take effect on September 16, 2020 – are a response, in part, to a recent New York federal district court opinion invalidating some of the DOL’s prior guidance. (See here.)

The DOL narrowed the applicability of the FFCRA exemption for health care providers. Under the new guidance, not all employees of health care providers are exempt from FFCRA. Only the following employees may be excluded: (1) licensed doctors of medicine, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, dentists, and others permitted to issue FMLA certifications under 29 C.F.R. 825.125; and (2) employees who provide diagnostic, preventive, or treatment services, or “other services that are integrated with and necessary to the provision of patient care and, if not provided, would adversely impact patient care.” This exemption includes, among others, nurses, medical technicians, and laboratory technicians. We recommend that health care providers seeking to exempt some employees from FFCRA talk to their legal counsel about whether the exemption applies.

The DOL encourages health care providers to minimize use of the exemption to the extent possible in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Employers may choose to allow some types of FFCRA leave (e.g., leave for employees with COVID-19 symptoms) and not others (e.g., childcare leave).Continue Reading Department of Labor Narrows FFCRA Exemption for Health Care Providers

On July 15, 2020, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) made substantial changes to the permitted uses and disclosures of substance use disorder (SUD) records for programs covered by 42 C.F.R. Part 2. The stated intent of the final rule is to facilitate the provision of well-coordinated SUD care. The rules do indeed appear to remove regulatory barriers that have made it difficult for SUD providers to engage in the type of care coordination activities that are increasingly common outside the substance abuse context.

Perhaps the most significant change to the rules is the expansion and clarification of the permitted uses and disclosures for the purposes of “health care operations.”  A Part 2 program has long been able to obtain patient consent for the use and disclosure of substance abuse information for “payment and/or health care operations.” Previously, however, the relevant rules explicitly stated that “health care operations” cannot include disclosures “to carry out other purposes such as substance use disorder patient diagnosis, treatment, or referral for treatment.” 83 Fed. Reg. 239-01, 243 (Jan. 3, 2018). SAMHSA specifically advised that this language meant that the term “health care operations” is “not intended to cover care coordination or case management.” Id.

Through these recent rule changes, SAMHSA effectively has reversed this guidance and now defines the term “health care operations” to include any “payment/health care operation activities not expressly prohibited,” including “care coordination and/or case management services.” This more closely aligns with the definition of “health care operations” found in HIPAA and will allow the disclosure of SUD records to entities that perform care coordination services. It also will allow such entities to disclose such records to its contractors or legal representatives for health care operations. We note, however, that any disclosure for health care operations still will require specific patient authorization. 42 C.F.R. § 2.31.
Continue Reading Part 2 Amendments Facilitate Care Coordination Activities of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs

In a previous Health Law Insider blog post, Stoel Rives’ health care team discussed the prohibition on elective procedures promulgated by Oregon and Washington in an effort to conserve the states’ supply of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) and manage provider treatment capacity to ensure adequate resources were available to combat COVID-19. Recently, Oregon and Washington issued guidance permitting providers to gradually restart the provision of elective and non-emergent procedures.[1] As discussed below, Washington also released interpretive guidance to help providers determine how to assess “harm” to the patient that would help determine which procedures are urgent such that they are permitted under the “critical care phase” described in Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 20-24.1.

Additionally, Minnesota recently eased its prohibitions on non-urgent and elective procedures. For information regarding Minnesota’s order, please refer to our earlier client alert.


Oregon’s requirements for resumption of elective and non-emergent procedures are onerous and differ based on the provider type. Prior to resuming elective and non-emergent procedures, hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers (“ASC”), must:

  • Ensure that they have adequate bed and workforce capacity to “accommodate an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations in addition to increased post-procedure hospitalizations.” Specifically, hospital bed (i.e., ICU, step-down, and medical/surgical beds) availability in the region must be maintained at or below 20% and providers must have sufficient capacity to treat all hospitalized patients “without resorting to crises standard of care”;
  • Attest that they are maintaining a 30-day PPE supply on hand (two-week supply and an “open supply chain” is sufficient for “small facilities”);[2]
  • Be able to obtain “sustained PPE supply” without the triggering PPE-conserving measures;
  • Hospitals must provide a daily PPE supplies report to the Oregon Health Authority’s hospital capacity web system;
  • Have adequate access to COVID-19 testing capacity that provides results within two days (four days for smaller facilities) and consider testing patients before performing non-emergent or elective procedures;
  • Have strict infection control and visitation policies in place; and
  • Have sufficient resources for peri-operative care (e.g., pre- and post-operative provider visits; lab, radiology, and pathology services; and other ancillary services).

Continue Reading Non-Urgent and Elective Procedures Update: Oregon and Washington Ease Prohibitions

The Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) of the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a notification of relief, effective immediately, that extends certain critical deadlines in health, disability, and other welfare plans (Deadline Relief).[1] This Deadline Relief requires that these plans extend certain deadlines that affect plan participants, beneficiaries, claimants and Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) qualified beneficiaries, by disregarding days during the COVID-19 “Outbreak Period” from counting toward statutory and regulatory timeframes.

The Outbreak Period began on March 1, 2020 and lasts until 60 days after the announced end of the “National Emergency” period for COVID-19 that was declared by the President.

These deadline extensions will impact employer plan sponsors, administrators and insurers.
Continue Reading Important Deadlines Delayed for Health and Welfare Plans due to COVID-19 Emergency: Impacts for Employer Plan Sponsors, Administrators, and Insurers

In a previous blog post, Stoel Rives’ health care team discussed orders issued by Washington and Oregon that banned elective procedures in an effort to preserve the states’ supply of certain medical equipment. Minnesota has issued similar orders to ensure its healthcare facilities have adequate capacity and medical equipment to treat COVID-19 patients.

After banning non-essential surgeries and procedures, Minnesota has compelled certain providers and businesses to prepare an inventory of personal protective equipment (“PPE”), ventilators, respirators, and anesthesia machines (collectively “Medical Equipment”) that are not being used to provide “critical health care services or essential services.”1 Providers were required to submit an inventory of their Medical Equipment online by March 25, 2020. Businesses who produced Medical Equipment for sale were excepted from this inventory submission requirement.

The chart below summarizes Minnesota’s ban on elective procedures and order preserving medical equipment:
Continue Reading COVID 19 Update: Minnesota’s Ban on Elective Procedures, Providers May Be Compelled to Donate or Sell Medical Equipment

In an effort to conserve the state’s medical supplies and equipment, specifically personal protective equipment (PPE), Washington and Oregon (among other states) have banned non-urgent, elective procedures.[1] A move that the states hope will help ensure adequate supply of PPE and other medical equipment (e.g., ventilators) to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is a comparative chart summarizing the prohibitions promulgated by Washington and Oregon:
Continue Reading Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: Elective Medical Procedures Banned, PPEs at Risk of Confiscation

Several updates have made by the Oregon Health Authority (“OHA”) and the Health Evidence Review Commission (“HERC”) since this alert was first posted.  The following is updated as of March 31, 2020.

On March 16, 2020, the Oregon Health Authority (“OHA”) issued a new temporary emergency rule revising OAR 410-130-0610 – OHA’s Medicaid telehealth reimbursement

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Drug Enforcement Agency (“DEA”) recently issued guidance permitting the use of telemedicine to prescribe controlled substances (schedule II to V) for the duration of the public health emergency declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Specifically, if (a) the prescription “is issued for a legitimate medical purpose” in the usual course of professional practice; (b) “audio-video, real-time, two-way interactive communication system” is used for the telemedicine encounter; and (c) the practitioner complies with applicable state and federal laws, then controlled substances may be prescribed via telemedicine without first conducting an in-person medical evaluation. DEA FAQ. Nonetheless, if the practitioner has previously conducted an in-person examination, then telemedicine may be used to prescribe controlled substances regardless of whether a public health emergency has been declared as long as the prescription is made in compliance with state law and within the usual course of the provider’s professional practice. Id.
Continue Reading COVID-19 Leads to Liberalization of e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances, May Presage Permanent Rulemaking